Electrical installation characteristics
D - MV & LV architecture selection guide
Electrical installation characteristics
These are the main installation characteristics enabling the defining of the fundamentals and details of the electrical distribution architecture. For each of these characteristics, we supply a definition and the different categories or possible values.
Main economic activity carried out on the site.
Indicative list of sectors considered for industrial buildings:
- Manufacturing
- Food & Beverage
- Logistics
Indicative list of sectors considered for tertiary buildings:
- Offices buildings
- Hypermarkets
- Shopping malls
Site topology
Architectural characteristic of the building(s), taking account of the number of buildings, number of floors, and of the surface area of each floor.
Different categories:
- Single storey building,
- Multi-storey building,
- Multi-building site,
- High-rise building.
Layout latitude
Characteristic taking account of constraints in terms of the layout of the electrical equipment in the building:
- aesthetics,
- accessibility,
- presence of dedicated locations,
- use of technical corridors (per floor),
- use of technical ducts (vertical).
Different categories:
- Low: the position of the electrical equipment is virtually imposed
- Medium: the position of the electrical equipment is partially imposed, to the detriment of the criteria to be satisfied
- High: no constraints. The position of the electrical equipment can be defined to best satisfy the criteria.