
From Electrical Installation Guide
Fig. G1 – Flow-chart for the selection of cable size and protective device rating for a given circuit (DB422280_EN)
Fig. G2 – Calculation of maximum load current IB (DB422281_EN)
Fig. G3 – Circuit protection by circuit breaker (DB422282_EN)
Fig. G4 – Circuit protection by fuses (DB422283_EN)
Fig. G5 – I2t characteristic of an insulated conductor at two different ambient temperatures (DB422284)
Fig. G6 – Current levels for determining circuir breaker or fuse characteristics (DB422285_EN)

(DB422287) (DB422288) (DB422289) (DB422290) (DB422291) (DB422292) (DB422293) (DB422294) (DB422295) (DB422296) (DB422297) (DB422298) (DB422299) (DB422300) (DB422301) (DB422302) (DB422303a) (DB422303b) (DB422295) (DB422304) (DB422305) (DB422306) (DB422307) (DB422308) (DB422310)

Fig. G25 – Maximum admissible currents (p.u.) in a busbar trunking system as functions of the 3rd harmonic level (DB422311_EN)
Fig. G28 – Maximum voltage drop (the values shown here are for circuits other than lighting circuits) (DB422312_EN)
Fig. G31 – Example 1 (DB422313_EN)
Fig. G32 – Exemple 2 (DB422314_EN)
Fig. G34 – Case of several transformers in parallel (DB422315)
Fig. G35 – Impedance diagram (DB422316)
Fig. G39 – Recapitulation table of impedances for different parts of a power-supply system (DB422317)
Fig. G40 – Example of maximum short-circuit calculations for a LV installation supplied at 400 V (nominal) from a 1000 kVA MV/LV transformer (DB422318)
Fig. G41 – Determination of downstream short-circuit current level Isc using Fig. G40 (DB422319_EN)
Fig. G43 – Circuit protected by aM fuses (DB422320_EN)
Fig. G44 – Circuit protected by circuit breaker without thermal overload relay (DB422321_EN)
Fig. G45 – Circuit breaker D provides protection against short-circuit faults as far as and including the load (DB422322_EN)
Fig. G47 – Protection by circuit breaker (DB422323)
Fig. G48 – Protection by aM-type fuses (DB422324)
Fig. G49 – Protection by gG-type fuses (DB422325)
Fig. G50 – Definition of L for a 3-phase 3-wire circuit (DB422326_EN)
Fig. G54 – Example of energy limitation of a MCB for different ratings (DB422327_EN)
Fig. G55 – A poor connection in a series arrangement will leave all downstream appliances unprotected (DB422328_EN)
Fig. G56 – Direct connection of the PEN conductor to the earth terminal of an appliance (DB422329)
Fig. G57 – The TN-C-S scheme (DB422330)
Fig. G61 – PE conductor to the main earth bar in the MLVS (DB422331_EN)
Fig. G63 – Supplementary equipotential conductors (DB422332_EN)

(DB422333) (DB422334) (DB422335) (DB422336)

Fig. G64 – Triplen harmonics are in phase and cumulate in the Neutral (DB422346)
Fig. G65 – Load factor of the neutral conductor vs the percentage of 3rd harmonic (DB422347_EN)
Fig. G66 – Compact NSX100 circuit breaker (PB116760_EN)

(DB422337) (DB422337) (DB422337) (DB422338) (DB422339) (DB422340) (DB422341) (DB422341) (DB422341) (DB422341) (DB422342) (DB422343) (DB422343) (DB422343) (DB422343) (DB422344) (DB422344) (DB422345) (DB422345) (DB422345) (DB422345)

File:Single LIne G65 - for AMEG.pdf.jpg
Fig. G68 – Example of single-line diagram (Single LIne G65 - for AMEG.pdf)