The UPSs and their environment

From Electrical Installation Guide
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Home > Characteristics of particular sources and loads > Uninterruptible Power Supply units (UPS) > The UPSs and their environment

The UPSs can communicate with electrical and computing environment. They can receive some data and provide information on their operation in order:

  • To optimize the protection

For example, the UPS provides essential information on operating status to the computer system (load on inverter, load on static bypass, load on battery, low battery warning)

  • To remotely control

The UPS provides measurement and operating status information to inform and allow operators to take specific actions

  • To manage the installation

The operator has a building and energy management system which allow to obtain and save information from UPSs, to provide alarms and events and to take actions.
This evolution towards compatibilty between computer equipment and UPSs has the effect to incorporate new built-in UPS functions.

ru:Дистанционное управление и мониторинг ИБП zh:不间断电源及其使用环境
